Did you check the oil and water??

That was my response to a friend who rang me the other day and said ‘I really need to buy a new car; mine is smoking!!’
I knew she didn’t mean smoking hot, as she’s been referring to the demise of this vehicle for months!
‘Well, did you? Check the oil and water? Fill her up! It always works for me!’

Now any mechanics, or even men in general who know a thing or two about cars, are now thinking ‘Women!’ And, I have to nosedive straight into your rationalisation and say…………’I know what you mean!’ It’s true! Typical woman! Just keep the oil and water topped up and the car will be fine??? That’s not right! There’s more to car maintenance than checking the oil and water…….

But seriously, it HAS always worked for me!

Mechanically AND spiritually 

I have, over the years, owned many cars. I’ve owned some top of the range cars; received mediocre vehicles; acquired transit vans; enjoyed 2 high-powered sports cars; steered 7 ton lorries; relished a soft-top Jeep and utilised an SUV. I should really be given the opportunity to present an episode of Top Gear; not only one of my top 5 television programmes, but also a dream that I plan on becoming reality……How? I’m not sure right now, but whenever I commit a dream to God He always comes through……..because it’s not just that I believe in Him…….He believes in me too!!!!

I religiously, (got to love that word), check the oil and water in my car and pretty much always have done. My grandfather taught me this. He was a driving instructor and always maintained his cars to the utmost level. However, I only really observed the checking of oil and water and anticipated this to be the way forward. I thought ‘checking the oil and water’ was the answer to all matters regarding the smooth functioning of a vehicle!

Here’s my 23 year old standard checklist

1. Check the oil and water monthly
2. If there’s a noise in the car, add oil, add water
3. If there’s a smell, add oil, add water
4. If there’s a ticking, add oil, add water
5. If you swerve round a corner, add oil, add water, maybe check the tyres


I firmly believe that if my friend Stella had just replenished the oil and water, she wouldn’t have had to invest in a new vehicle. In fact, when I initially questioned her regarding oil and water, she admitted the following, ‘Oh, I never put oil and water in my car’ (!!)

If you don’t check or change the oil in your car, it WILL eventually affect your engine!
If you don’t check the water level in the radiator, it WILL eventually affect your engine!


What are the levels of Living Water like in your vehicle? In your Body? In your Heart? The Living Water of Jesus…….
We need to keep our levels high. You know why? Because you never know when you’re going to need to draw from that well of Living Water. If there isn’t much of the Word inside you; if there isn’t much of Jesus inside you; if the Living Waters are rapidly dissipating and you’re not filling up on MORE of God’s Word, more of the precious Living Water, then you’re going to affect your engine. And once your engine is affected, other parts of your body; your vehicle, are going to be impaired also!

“Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” John 4:10

And how is your relationship with the Holy Spirit? Have you spoken to Him lately? Have you asked for a fresh and new anointing? Are you drenched in the Oil of Joy? Can people see the Oil poured out upon you?

Let’s all press into God and preserve our engine with the right oil and the right water. The Holy Spirit. Jesus. Our Father.

Check the spiritual levels of oil and water in your life daily.

Check the number of a local garage.

DON’T use my check list.

I’m saving up for a new car 😉

May God ever bless you!

If you could pour out some love on a desperate child in this world please click on the link http://www.metroworldchild.co.uk/sponsor-a-child and see if you can partner with us!

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